Everyone housed by FlyawayHomes is placed through Los Angeles County’s Coordinated Entry System (CES). A person must be registered in CES as the first step to be eligible for housing with FlyawayHomes and then placement is based on factors such as geography and vulnerability. If you are in need of housing and not yet connected to CES, please find your closest access point to CES via this information. You can also call 211 to find out which providers are in your area.
If you are aware of someone in need on the street, and would like to help them connect to services, you can make an outreach request via LA-HOP. LA Homeless Outreach Portal is a resource to alert service workers of individuals in need. The website allows anyone to enter information about a person in need and then the request is routed to the appropriate street-based outreach team. Connecting with an outreach team is an excellent way for a person to learn of the services available to them, gain access to housing opportunities and also get supplies to meet their basic needs.