Our 82nd Street development site is being constructed on a 9,301 sq. ft. of R-3 zoned ground leased property located at 837 W 82nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90044. The project, which is being constructed with converted shipping containers, includes 16 2-BR supportive housing units, a manager’s unit, and a community room, totaling 8,640 sq. ft. of building. 82nd Street Development is financed predominately with private capital from caring individuals, with the balance funded through a $1 million grant/forgivable loan awarded to Flyaway from LA County’s Housing Innovation Challenge.
Currently, the containers are being shipped to the site and assembled. Upon completion of the container installation, the units will be connected and finished. Meanwhile, stairs and a modular elevator will be installed, and other finishing and landscaping work will be completed. 82nd Street should begin housing tenants before the end of 2020.
Once the development is completed, 82nd Street is expected to provide homes for 16 formerly unhoused families plus a resident manager. The development will be master leased to The People Concern (PeopleCo), one of Los Angeles’s largest homeless service providers. PeopleCo currently provides supportive services to over 2,000 people across Los Angeles with a 92% housing retention rate[1]. The People Concern will be responsible for tenanting the supportive units with families experiencing homelessness using Los Angeles County’s coordinated entry system.
The People Concern will also provide the wraparound, supportive services which are essential to keep tenants housed, healthy and safe. These services include case management, which can involve ensuring that a participant makes and keeps critical appointments, sets and attains short and long-term goals, manages her expenses on a very limited budget, participates in agency-offered wellness activities designed to address issues such as diet and smoking, and adapts to her new environment. Agency staff also provide in-home medical care, mental health care, and substance abuse services. Permanent housing participants who receive these services achieve impressive results: over 92% retain their housing for longer than one year.
After the development is completed, the property will be managed by Bella Vista Property Management, which has extensive property management experience in the South Los Angeles area. The owner of Bella Vista Property Management is one of the founders of FlyawayHomes.
[1] https://www.thepeopleconcern.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/The-People-Concern_2019-Impact-Report_Digital.pdf