[wpvideo KupWMQ8y]

Thank you to our awesome supporters!

Puts things into perspective with a CAT in the background

First order of business is to test the soil conditions

Soil testing drilling rig under the Raffi’s careful supervision
[wpvideo TDOSBUVw]

Core samples taken at various depths to determine soil conditions

HUGE tree that was growing between the two property line fences

Bobcat arrives to start demolition

First things first – the HUGE tree

Gas Company arrives to disconnect service

Figures the service would be across the street and under a parked car

Cooperative neighbors helped move the car so digging could commence

Jake was ready to help!

Safety first!

Big boy toys

Messing around with Mikey

Demolition took one week from start to finish

Beginning to dig into the roof
[wpvideo DJfvIJFg]

Big mess…

Time to clean up…

The concrete foundation is the hardest to demolish

Took 9 dumpsters in all to remove everything

Big, noisy earth movers

The tire is as big as he is

Removing the stump of the HUGE tree

Grading completed in three days

Surveying graded site for site utilities, site wall and foundation